About Us at Nourishing Ecology Australia

Nourishing Ecology Australia began in May 2007 with our own personal need to access Green Pasture Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil and Fermented Skate Liver Oil and Butter Oil in Australia.

There was no easy way to buy it here and we felt so strongly committed to these products that we wanted to share it with all Australians.

Before we commenced the business, Philip went to the US and visited Dave Wentz's facility in Nebraska. This was a very big decision for us as we wanted the assurance and connection with both Dave and his wife Barbara. We wanted to work with a family owned business that was committed to bringing back unadulterated products to those people who wanted optimal health.

But I am getting ahead of myself. Our real journey began years before we discovered Green Pasture Cod Liver Oil.

  • Philip's mother, Joan had died of pancreatic cancer at the ripe old age of 58 in 2001.  Shocked at this outcome, we both stepped up our search for the answers! 
  • How did she get pancreatic cancer?
  • Does a cure exist for pancreatic cancer?
  • Can we help save her life? (sadly not!, we were not able to save this wonderful woman) and if not, what can we do differently so that we (and others we love) don’t get cancer?
  • Through my researching, I discovered the work of Weston A. Price, a dentist, who dedicated his life to his research of “what makes a human healthy?”

He and his wife embarked on a 12-year study of the healthiest people in the world and his published results with photos can be found in his excellent book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

His conclusion at the end of his worldwide study of healthy humans that ate their natural/primitive diet was that in all of their diets he found true vitamin A, true vitamin D and true “Activator X” which is K2.

This was the foundation of health for all humans. It is through these three fat-soluble activators that we are able to absorb nutrients properly and utilise them from our food. Without these three nutrients, we will never reach our full potential as humans.

After my discovery of Weston A. Price’s work, my journey led me to cod liver oil and butter oil because these two items have natural vitamin A, natural vitamin D and natural K2. Exactly what our family needed!

And then we found Green Pasture products and we wanted to share this wonderful product with all Australians. Fortunately for us, Dave and Barbara allowed us to distribute their products here in Australia.

We still use these products every day and can state as our own testimonial that our sick days have been few and far between.  When we are slack and don't take the fermented cod liver oil and the fermented skate liver oil, we can both notice a difference. If one of us starts feeling tired or has a sniffle, we ask the other one, "have you been taking the cod and skate oil"? Whoops, we get straight back on our regime. We do attribute these oils as a key factor in us not getting sick and having excellent health. 

Over the years I have discovered other great products, like Body Ecology, so we added them to our website. Unfortunately the powers that be in Australia believe that digestive enzymes and fermentation aids are not "safe". It's a sad truth that pharmaceuticals are busy at work keeping Australians sick and not allowing them natural products that bring about good health. If you are interested in options with Body Ecology.

Please contact me via email at edie@nourishingecology.com.au 

Real food, prepared properly, is the human diet. Not artificial food, not GMO’s, not food grown in distressed soil, not food sprayed with chemicals that makes us sick and not animals that are inhumanely raised.

We have evolved and are evolving as new information on nutrition and food is discovered. Mother Nature has known all along and science is just beginning to catch up.

Our connection is to each other and we need to strengthen our hearts, mind and bodies.

We appreciate your business and your patience in allowing us to grow organically.

To good health — the right of every human being - Let food be thy Medicine!


Mrs Edie Wicker

  • Weston A Price Chapter Leader
  • Body Ecology Coach Level 1 and 2
  • Food Coach


Philip Wibaux

  • Weston A Price Chapter Leader


PO Box 275

Buddina QLD 4575 Australia

Contact phone number: 0404 561 880

Email address: info@nourishingecology.com.au

The Nourishing Ecology Team


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