Why you can't 'just take' Cod Liver Oil?

I find my inbox flooded with questions such as "How do I get the most out of my Cod Liver oil?" 

This is assuming you are here and know all about what Nourishing Ecology products can do if you're new here, then here's a link to help you understand why Nourishing Ecology's renowned Cod Liver oil might be for you.



Weston A price fermented cod liver oil Australia


To answer this question and the many like it, we must first look at how and why Cod liver oil works so well when used with high-vitamin butter oil.

Weston A Price found that solely taking Cod Liver ( Vitamins A & D ) to be somewhat ineffective, however taking vitamin K rich substances such as Gouda cheese, butter oil, fermented skate liver oil then the human body was able to create an almost perfect balance and the uptake of all fat-soluble vitamins very high. As for the body to be able to utilise such a prominent high dose of a vitamin it needs help establishing what the correct levels of such vitamins circulating throughout the body should be.


Now that such levels (varying from person to person) have been established we can begin to look at why this is important. When the body receives any new food or vitamin, it will predominately rush to process this new substance, taking the most valuable parts and disposing of the rest asap, often wasting the most valuable parts. 

Knowing this, we see the butter oils and fats slowing this rushed process and ensuring that the most amount of nutrients are taken out of each dose.


Blue ice fermented cod liver oil australia


These fats act in several ways:

Making each dose of Cod Liver oil more digestible.

Pre-establishing a healthy balance between Vitamins A, D and K2.

Reducing any extra energy the body would have to exert to process the Cod Liver oil.

If you're still on the fence, here's a review from Doctor Oz on our nationally famous Blue Ice cod liver oil!

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